The Eye of I

The Eye of I

The beginning and the end is I. And I is Now, and I is Here. Neither I, nor Now, nor Here have any meaning. For there is no Thing other than what is. The I is and is nothing. Nothing cannot be counted, Nothing cannot be measured, Nothing cannot be described. The beginning is also the end and all Things between.

The Eye of I is itself. The I sees its own possibilities with the Eye. It sees Creation in Nothing, it sees what is as itself. The Eye of I observes while the I is observed observing. The Eye and the I are Now and Here.

The possibilities of Nothing span from no Thing to every Thing. Nothing is Here and Nothing is Now. The Eye sees all things between no Thing and every Thing in the Here and in the Now. The Eye is Here and Now.

The Eye sees the I and the I is Nothing. In Nothing is no thing and every thing. The I is both the I and Not the I to the Eye. The Eye sees the I and does not see the I between no Thing and every Thing. The Eye that sees is the Eye that does not. The Eye that does not is seen by the Eye that does. The I is the Eye.

In the Eye We exist, to the I We do not. The I is what is, the Eye sees what is. The Eye is the Beginning and the End, the I is Eternal.

Meanings that mean nothing….

You, Me, Us, They, There, Here, Now, Then, Before, After, Coincidence, Synchronicity, Reality, Perceived, Perceiver, Observed, Observer, Human, Plant, Animal, Memory, Imagination, Dreams, Awake, Asleep, Space, Time, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Insight, Doubt, Fear, Faith, Compassion, Cruelty, Real, Unreal, Truth, Lies, Chaos, Order, Good, Bad, Right, Wrong, Light, Dark, Heaven, Hell, God, and The Devil.

In the end/beginning it all just is/is not.